The program consists of mentoring and educational support for 4 business initiatives of young people in BiH, which includes support for the creation of business plans, marketing and financing strategies, as well as advice on the preparation of legal documents for registration, creation of a unique product/service, etc.
Mentoring meetings will be held individually with each business team in an online format (Zoom), according to a schedule that will be agreed upon. Duration of support is from the beginning of October 2022 until the end of January 2023.
Who can apply? Young people who already have a business idea or are in the process of developing and establishing their own company, residing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, aged 18 to 35; motivated for the topic and complete active participation in the program.
How to apply? Fill out the FORM no later than September 25, 2022. years. Selected participants will be informed by October 1, 2022.
The transformational program for BiH is implemented by the Incubator of Social Innovations “MUNJA” within the three-year regional project BY LEAP: “Balkans Youth: Linking education, abilities and partnership potential in regional employment practice” financed by the European Union, which is implemented in 6 countries of the Western Balkans .
More information is available here.