2023 marks the year when Western Balkans countries are creating new momentum in the promotion of entrepreneurial competences among young people and adults. At the regional conference in Ulcinj, stakeholders from 6 Western Balkan countries agreed that in the upcoming years, a greater cooperation focus shall be placed on the promotion of entrepreneurial competencies throughout the entire cycle of education and training, both for young people and adults, and that special attention should be paid to the integration of entrepreneurial competencies into the education and training system in the Western Balkans and Turkiye.

Entrepreneurial competences are key competences for life in the modern world and for the development of a knowledge-based society. These competencies help the individual to manage his/her own development, actively participate in the community, participate in the labor market according to his/her interests and capabilities, and undertake various cultural, social and commercial endeavors. In other words, with these competencies, the individual creates new value.

Due to the great importance that entrepreneurial competencies have for growth and development, it is necessary that all stakeholders in the education and training system part take in the process of promoting these competencies and their integration into the education and learning system. Promoters of entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans and Turkiye invite:

  • line institutions to prioritize the integration of entrepreneurial skills in education and training in partnership with civil society, companies and educational institutions, and thus position their country among the champions in the promotion of entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans,
  • educational institutions (secondary schools, faculties and centers for adult education) and companies to part take as stakeholders in the dialogue with line authorities on ways and modalities for the integration of entrepreneurial competences in the education and training

By successfully integrating entrepreneurial skills into the education and training system, young people and adults will develop entrepreneurial competencies during the education or training process, and access the world of employment and entrepreneurship with more entrepreneurial knowledge and skills and more entrepreneurial attitudes.


For additional information, please contact the Regional Communications Officer, Ms. Sanju Kovačević, at sanja.kovacevic@wb-institute.org, or at + 381-65-2549608, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and the website https://by-leap.com/.

The “BY LEAP” project is being implemented with the financial support of the European Union through the Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2018-2019. The project is led by Junior Achievement Serbia and implemented by a consortium of 8 institutions.