Entrepreneurial learning should be embedded in formal educational curricula
on all levels and clear monitoring plans should be developed
The entrepreneurial learning and practical knowledge gained through
any form of entrepreneurial activity (student company program,
financial and digital literacy practice) would pave the path for
development of entrepreneurial mindset. Embedding entrepreneurial
learning on all levels of formal education would represent a clear
stimulus for youth to engage in processes related to risk taking,
development of new initiatives and ideas, trends tracking, and relentless
persistence towards achieving set goals. Entrepreneurial learning in
formal education system should teach youth that entrepreneurial spirit
is nurtured not only in economic sciences, but in each area of expertise
they decide to dive in.
Further and more intense collaboration of all relevant stakeholders,
including public, private and civil sector representatives, is needed in policy
making processes
As bureaucratic as it is, adequate policy making was clearly recognized as one of the key factors that sets pre-conditions for economic freedom and growth. Policies that are set by authorities clearly define the ambience for development of business initiatives, and more importantly, making them sustainable. Cooperation between public, private and civil sector through a wider dialogue would ensure that all interested and relevant parties take part in creating policies which would be beneficial to all acters that decide to engage in entrepreneurial ventures, as well as to those who directly or indirectly benefit from them. Besides the very creation of policies, such partnerships between said types of organizations should ensure support of high-quality implementation and realization of policies and support programs.
Educational and civil society organizations that focus on entrepreneurship
development should work on developing long-term support to ensure
lowering of company mortality rates and enhancing sustainability of new and
youth-led businesses.
Two factors affect unsustainability of newly found companies: 1 st the fact that most entrepreneurs are loners, that they feel lonely. 2 nd one is that the parts of the educational system that do promote entrepreneurship, do it temporarily and do nothing about it once the student leaves the system. The first problem calls for further networking. There we took note of potential that universities have by using their capital to support initiatives and networks to ensure know- how and best practice exchange. Student business center, as a student organization, will continue doing everything to ensure the exchange of experiences and help young people achieve their entrepreneurial dreams. We also need to keep in mind that some forms of civil society organizations that are oriented on hubs, co-working spaces etc. represent places suitable for networking as well. And that’s you, that’s us. We are the ones that need to present ourselves to youth and advocate their needs to all stakeholders we can reach. And the fact that educational system only provides part-time support imposes a question of sustainability –we are witnessing that the new companies do not have very high chances to survive for a very long time on the market. That is why educational institutions should do everything to guide youth in the system towards further training and learning, be it through creation of programs or simply supporting talents through sets of various guidelines for their future development.
Intensive awareness-raising is needed in order to support and promote local
entrepreneurial initiatives
This one really calls for no further explanation. As we all know, in the sea of information that the digital era carries, it is necessary to promote and support local initiatives, not only those that change and innovate our lifestyle but all those that tend to help the community. Promoting adequate role models which can quite often be found in entrepreneurs is a channel that can steer youth and has huge potential to be furtherly utilized. Furthermore, such campaigns would help break stereotypes and traditional mindsets that hinder development of creative individuals. We believe that all BYLEAP partners will put efforts of presenting local and regional initiatives as good examples, and very first steps were taking yesterday on held panels, which proves that there is will, and that there indeed there is a way.
Current formal entrepreneurial programs need to be improved by exercising
gained knowledge in practice
Current formal entrepreneurial programs, in most countries of the Western Balkans, are still focused on business theory. Instead, programs should include more chances for exercising practical entrepreneurial skills. Such programs would not only enhance students’ employability after leaving the formal education system, but teach them operational processes and workflows, thus increasing their understanding of economic ambience. This is actually where the Junior Achievement Family kicks in and we think that it is a huge success the foundation of JA Montenegro, which will soon start the first student company program in Montenegro and provide high school students with practical knowledges and chance to have a taste of entrepreneurial life.
Further investments in the IT sector are needed
Digital trends are rapidly speeding up and the Western Balkans currently do not have infrastructure that is developed enough to keep up. Hence, appeal for further investing in technology that can follow trends is needed to ensure competitiveness in both European and global market. We are aware that most successful businesses are tech oriented, therefore many online stores are opening, digital marketing demand is rising higher each day, start-up culture is being nurtured etc.
Notes for the future: ACT – CONNECT – ENGAGE
We expect that actions directed on basis of these conclusions will take place in each BYLEAP participating country and that each organization will create activities that contribute to solving concerns we mutually carried out in these three days o Connect – efforts should be put to realize local actions on regional levels, through mutual policies, activities and strategic partnerships.
Therefore we will continue, as partners, to advocate the needs of local
and regional youth.
Engage – we should use this conference to network and use contacts for
future initiatives such as BYLEAP is and to apply for EU and other
international funds for future engagements of experts for creation of
policies and tailored actions that would financially and professionally
support young people in realization of their ideas, as well as network
youth that posses entrepreneurial ideas and skills.
Related to that, I would like to point out that you can always count on:
Student Business Center as an youth-led NGO
Entrepreneurial Nest as a business incubator
University of Donja Gorica as Higher education institutions.
We are always open for new partnership opportunities and can apply as any of
said means of organization